Thursday, November 20, 2008


By Julie Anne Thornton

The clock continues to click down, until the time most Meyer fans have feverishly waited for...the arrival of "Twilight" to the big screen!

Earlier this week, I secured tickets from a friend of mine, who had a friend (still following?) who rented two screens at the local downtown theatre. I felt quite smug to be holding two coveted tickets for the Friday ten o'clock (in the morning, I might add) showing. I would be one of the first to witness Bella and Edward on film--Score!

But gets even better. During a meeting with a friend who works in film, I was invited to join a group he has gathered together to attend tonight's midnight viewing of the movie--Double score!

Please excuse me if I sound like I'm gloating, but...well, I guess I am. It appears now, I will be viewing the long-awaited film tonight, as well as tomorrow morning. Which throws me into a triple grand slam, or slam dunk, or...whatever. I've never been much of a sports fan; except during the bittersweet era when Karl Malone and John Stockton were at their height. My heart has never fully recovered from the dissolution of the "Dynamic Duo".

Aside from bouncing orange balls, I'm looking forward to a fun-filled twenty-four hours of "Twilight" madness. My husband, however, is still somewhat perplexed in his efforts to understand the purpose of seeing the movie twice within ten hours of each other.

My response was persuasive and insightful. "Why not?"

Enough said. I am eager to see how Hollywood fares in bringing to life Meyer's compelling story. Will it hold the same tone? Will I still be amused by Bella's dry sarcasm and Edward's mouth-watering (no pun intended) appeal? Only time will tell.

So now I must wait, and watch the minutes on the clock move with agonizing slowness, counting the seconds as they creep closer, and closer to the midnight hour--the hour of vampires.


Christy said...

You are too funny! I couldn't do a midnight showing, so hats off to you. My tickets are for 5:30 tomorrow night, Kylie & I are going with all my cousins, etc. It'll be good. The 10 am is a steal! That's great! If you're up for 3 showings in a 24 hour period: Courtney Dinehart is doing a fundraiser & Laurene at Friday midnight tickets, 10 or more left for WAter Gardens. $10 each - fund raiser. :) Have Fun!!

Nicole said...

Thanks for going with me! I had so much fun.